apr 21, 2024

by: abhinaba

Top Comedy Action Hollywood Movies of All Time

A movie star is having a tough time with his job and family. But things get more interesting when he meets a billionaire.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)

When Mickey Pearson decides to sell his successful marijuana business and retire, it leads to a series of bad actions driven by greed.

The Gentlemen (2019)

After a cyber-attack exposes the secret identities of undercover agents in Britain, Johnny English has to leave retirement and find the hacker behind it all.

Johnny English Strikes Again (2018)

A silly guy from Grimsby finds his long-lost brother, who's a deadly assassin for MI6. They team up to stop a terrorist attack and save the world.

The Brothers Grimsby (2016)

Ben (Kevin Hart), a security guard, has a crush on the sister of police officer James Payton. To impress his future brother-in-law, Ben joins him on a 24-hour patrol in Atlanta.

Ride Along (2014)

Aaron and Dave, hosts of a popular late-night show, are given the opportunity to interview Kim Jong-un. The CIA sees this as a chance to plan to assassinate the notorious dictator.

The Interview (2014)

In the afterlife, Ryan Reynolds, a detective from the Rest in Peace Department, gets a new job. He's hired by a boss of ghost cops to battle against rebellious spirits.

R.I.P.D (2013)

Maxwell Smart, a smart but clumsy spy from the CONTROL agency, has a job to stop a terrorist attack planned by the rival spy agency KAOS.

Get Smart (2008)

Next: 12 Inspirational Bollywood Movies to Lift Your Spirits

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